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iPhone 16 Pro Max with "Super Telephoto" periscope camera.

The iPhone 15 family has not yet been released, but their successors are already being discussed. Specifically, it's about the iPhone 16 Pro Max, which is expected in September 2024. According to an extensive (and generally reliable) leak from China's Digital Chat Station, this device will have a rather unique feature.

According to him, the iPhone 16 Pro Max will be equipped with a “Super Telephoto” periscopic zoom camera. This designation apparently applies to cameras with a focal length longer than 300mm, which would be quite a technical feat given that the current iPhone 14 Pro Max has to make do with an admittedly non-periscopic zoom at a meager 77mm.

iPhone 16 Pro Max with "Super Telephoto" periscope camera.

In September this year, the iPhone 15 Pro Max should bring a periscope to the iPhone, and next year's iPhone 16 Pro will also have a periscope, but not via the "Super Telephoto". A. It's likely that the iPhone 16 Pro will get the periscope from the iPhone 15 Pro Max, while the iPhone 16 Pro Max will have an even more advanced layout.

Super-telephoto lenses are often used for sports and wildlife photography, as well as portraits when the photographer can get far enough away from the subject.

In addition, the same source claims that the iPhone 16 Pro Max's main camera will have a 12% larger sensor (1/1.14 inch) than that of the iPhone 14 Pro Max (1/1.28 inch). The iPhone 15 Pro Max is said to remain true to the hardware of its predecessor.

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